Design Awards Silver Winner - Chengdu OST Brand design Office

Product design of Lingxi series ornaments of Jiuxi Living Ce

Entrant Company

Chengdu OST Brand design Office


Decorative Items - Others

Client's Name

Shenzhen Jiuxi Haute Couture Lifestyle Store

Country / Region:


1. Origin
The two founders of Jiuxi Life Center have been in the advertising industry and space design industry for many years respectively. They serve the elite businessmen born in the 60s and 70s, state-owned enterprise executives, successful people and other high-level people. They have high aesthetics; currently, the increase is 85 -For young customers born in the 1990s, Jiuxi needs interesting products that fit the consumer group and satisfy the happiness of young people who pursue high-quality life. This is the origin of this case.

2. Design creativity:
Create a character: combine the brand name "Xi" and the "ox" symbol of the craftsman - "Xi Niu" (the same as the traditional Chinese "rhinoceros" which is healthy and auspicious). Rhino symbolizes loyalty, courage and beauty. The homophonic word means good luck and good fortune, and it is also the patron saint of homes in ancient China.

3.Product name:
Lingxi. In ancient times, the white lines on rhinoceros horns were sensitive, so they were called "Lingxi".

4.Design description:
Highly generalized outline, soft and healing figure, smiling eyelids with closed eyes, cute and humorous proportions. It subverts the rhino's original tough appearance and creates a comfortable and interesting little guy. It conveys the young trend and humorous and relaxed life aesthetics advocated by Jiuxi Life Museum.
 Color:
The main color is a gradient from magenta to white, unique and novel. Later, blue-green metallic and silver and orange gradients were developed.

1. Product Series 1 "Looking at the Moon"
The posture of Lingxi closing his eyes and looking up comes from the allusion of "Rhinoceros looking at the moon", which means "to make money and support the house". It fits well with the home furnishing industry.

2. Product Series 2 "Lingxi Yoga"
Lingxi advocates a gentle and active lifestyle. When we bring this awareness on the yoga mat into our lives, we can better face our habits, our health, our breath, and our hearts. Only when you possess virtue, wisdom, and ability can you stand on high ground and remain undefeated.


Lead Designers
Lunqiong Shen
Story Copy
Lunqiong Shen
IP Design
Lunqiong Shen
Design Team
Lunqiong Shen, Jun Li, Tian He, Wang Zhenyun
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