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The 'Achiever Planner' is a truly all-in-one undated journal planner designed specifically to address and focus on all the areas of day-to-day life and meticulously plan future goals that will provide students and professionals alike with a way to set goals, keep on top of their daily schedule and more. The planner works on a daily, weekly and monthly basis to help with everyday activities while also allowing a person to create actionable goals that take more time to achieve. The detailed pages of the planner also help with fitness tracking, food planning, habit tracking, financial maintenance and more in one convenient book. The planner comes in two sizes, as a smaller A5 book in portrait mode, or a slightly larger yet smart and equally portable B5 book in landscape mode.
Achiever Planner includes 15 Creative Layouts which are listed below.
1. Body Measurement
2. Travel Planner
3. Health & Nutrition Guide
4. Motivational Quotes
5. Gantt Charts
6. Expense/ Income
7. Future Goal
8. Monthly Goal Setting
9. Monthly Mind Mapping
10. 30-Day Challenge
11. Weekly Planner
12. Self-Reflection
13. Financial Tracker
14. Workout tracker
15. Meal planner
Entrant Company
KnitWarm Limited
Wearable Technology - Smart Garments
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Hong Kong SAR
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GPI Design
Lighting - Architectural Lighting: Interior
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United States
Entrant Company
Tantalus Design Inc.
Home Interior - Tableware
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