SHIFT: Experience The True Benefits of Meditation

Entrant Company

FluxWear, Inc.


Healthcare Devices - Others

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United States

Find it difficult to meditate? You are not alone. While meditation is one of the most popular wellness practices in the world, 30% of people are too distracted by excessive stress, overwhelming anxiety or a high degree of pain to successfully meditate, placing the benefits of this essential practice frustratingly out of reach.

SHIFT™ by FluxWear ends this exasperating experience. SHIFT™ is a patented neuromodulation device that can help anyone successfully meditate. In one 25-minute session, SHIFT™ entrains your brainwaves so that you can reap the health benefits associated with meditation, including reduced stress, decreased pain, improved focus, and deeper sleep. SHIFT™ even helps the most distracted minds.

SHIFT™ is a warm, inviting, easy to use, comfortable cadet cap that integrates seamlessly into daily life. To achieve that design vision, CEO and co-founder, Kamran Ansari, developed a novel type of magnetic field emitter, called K-Arrays, specially designed to be thin and flexible, allowing for easy integration into clothing. K-arrays generate the unique, pulsing Earth-level magnetic fields that efficiently entrain brainwaves to create the meditative effect. The result is a revolutionary new approach to decades-old pulsed electromagnetic field technology (PEMF), a comfortable form factor that makes neuromodulation more accessible to a wider range of people, and an effective solution for people who want to meditate but cannot, typically due to stress, pain, anxiety, or other conditions, all in the span of a 25-minute session.

To use SHIFT™, get comfortable, select meditation content from the FluxWear YouTube channel, press the black button, and wear it. Twenty-five minutes later, SHIFT™ turns off automatically and you can return to daily life, refreshed and revitalized.
Currently, FluxWear holds free, public meditations sessions using SHIFT™ every Thursday evening in Orange County, California and is selling SHIFT™ to in-person attendees ($295). Come and try it! Online sales of SHIFT™ will start in Spring 2022.

SHIFT™ is replacing cold, complex PEMF gadgets with comfortable, yet powerfully effective, therapy devices that, from a design perspective, emphasizes familiarity and ease of use.


CEO, Co-Founder
Kamran Ansari
COO, Co-Founder
Nadia Ansari
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