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Is today suitable for moving? In the 1960s to 1980s, on the walls of every family in Taiwan, calendars presented by xx companies or oo stores were hanging there. People tore off one page early in the morning to celebrate the coming of a new day. In addition to telling you the date, you could tell the fortune hours and which zodiac animals signs should be careful during that day, according to the calendar. It includes things that could be achieved smoothly today and which ones I should put aside for some other time. On this little piece of paper, many codes of daily life were hidden there. When we look at the calendar, we always think: what if we transposed the information on the calendar from printed words to icons? The page would look marvelous and unique after transposition and rearrangement. Therefore, the Day Code - Chinese Almanac came into being.
Unique attributes/Item descriptions
On the calendar in Taiwan, in addition to providing information regarding the records of ancestors’ wisdom – lunar calendar. It also tells people to welcome good fortune and avoid bad omens every day. Nevertheless, the information is provided in verbal form. “Day Code - Chinese Almanac” presents signs transposed from words. It also filtered and deleted some suggestions for incompatibility in the regular lunar calendar and selected reminders suitable for modern people: marriage, business contract, opening a business, moving, etc. to remind them which items are suitable or unsuitable to be done today.
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Furniture - Seating & Comfort Furniture
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